Do We Need Apologetics to Maintain Our Faith?

Serving Jesus
3 min readJul 14, 2023


Why do some lose their “faith,” or de-convert? Do we need apologetics so we do not leave Christianity?

One problem is that this tends to overlook the aspect of genuine salvation that leads to a real relationship with God.

I believe that apologetics is a good tool for breaking down barriers in the minds of unsaved adults.

Why is it that anyone goes to hell rather than heaven? Is it because they have the wrong intellectual answers or they lack knowledge?

No, it’s because of the heart. It’s because of sin. It’s because they’re in a state of rebellion against God. Romans 5:10 says we were enemies; that is the root problem and that is the status of unsaved.

So when nonbelievers have objections to Christianity, they are acting in pride. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. So when we give rational answers, and if they are willing to see the truth and lay down their pride, that is progress in the right direction.

However, it is only progress and not the end goal. If we only go as far as taking down the barriers, have they come to real saving knowledge of Jesus? Has the Holy Spirit truly come to live in them?

Many people think they are saved, but are not (Matthew 7:13–21).

That is the thing about apologetics; it is not necessary in order to maintain our faith. I do not need to study apologetics in order to remain a Christian. When the Holy Spirit comes to live in believers, He is going to be working in them, and their own experience will confirm it to them. So there are two levels.

I believe that there is the experiential level; for example, when I was 15 and trusted in Jesus, immediately I knew there was a change, and ever since then I have seen God working in my heart, exactly according to Galatians 5:22–23. There is that change that happens when the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and He begins working in us, and that is very confirming, as well as when we see miraculous answers to prayer.

On top of that, we also have God working in us, like Philippians 1:6 says, He that began a good work in you will complete it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23–24 is very similar, as well as Hebrews 12:2: “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” He is maintaining us.

It is not about having intellectual knowledge. Rather than turning to books for answers, seek Him wholeheartedly and walk with Him every day.

One time, I had a crisis of faith. It only lasted for about a day, related to the Bible. Technically, the whole crisis was over 2 years, about the nature of love, because I had found a website that twisted some Scriptures, and it shook me.

It turned out okay, because God answered my prayers, and I was able to see the truth; He has maintained my faith. That is what He does, just as He promised in the verses above (Phil. 1:6; 1 Thes. 5:23–24; Heb. 12:2).

What we need to be concerned about is establishing a real relationship with God. Again, this applies whether you believe in eternal security or not, because the principle is the same; we don’t need to hold our faith together with apologetics.

Have you totally surrendered your life to Jesus, or is there something that you’re holding back? And has He confirmed your salvation? Does it come out in evidence of Him working in your life? That is what to focus on.

We can use apologetics for getting past the initial barriers in unsaved people’s minds, so it can be helpful as we share the gospel, but let’s not stop there. They need to have a real encounter with Jesus, and then we don’t have to worry about them becoming atheists.

And with your children, spend time establishing truths of God’s authority, His laws that we’ve broken, our separation from Him, and the need for genuine salvation through Jesus. Don’t let it be totally intellectual; it’s not about us passing down our beliefs like Muslims do with their children. It’s about them knowing Jesus.

When we look at the words of Jesus, we see that we are meant to be in a real relationship with Him (see John 14:21 and John 15:1–17). It is not mystical, but spiritual, and we are made to know Him. So, let’s keep our focus on knowing Him.

